Top 10 List of Week 01
Rafi Muhammad --- Jakarta

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Basic Linux Command
    This website is telling us about essential linux command from beginner to pro. This is very useful especially for me who just learn about Linux

  2. Debian Forum or Unix StackExchange
    Since in Operting System Class I am using Debian then I need a forum (like stackoverflow) specially for Debian or Linux that I can ask a question or see another question that related to my problem.

  3. Stackoverflow
    A lot of people already familiar with this website and stackoverflow is very useful to ask anything related to coding, in this case conding with vi or vim.

  4. What Bash?
    This website telling us anything about introducting with bash. Basically tell us about what is bash, how to running bash, how to work with bash, bash scripting, advantages of bash and also course recommendation for being advance with bash. It is intersting because it’s really easy to understand for begineer like me.

  5. Regexr
    This website is really interesting because there are real time compailer for us to learn and try using regex. It is really great because we can just learn and try it immediately about Regex.

  6. AWK User Guide
    This website is a complete documentation about AWK. We can learn what is AWK, how to run it, also there are a clear explaination about awk function.

  7. SED Manual
    This is actually the same website with website in number 6 but it contains diffrent material. This link is a documentation about SED. There are a lot of things we can learn about using SED.

  8. Top 20 Git Commands
    This article is telling us about essential git command that can help us a lot while using git. In this website, we learn about git command with simple explaination and also there are a demo about how we can use the command.

  9. Open Vim
    This webstie giving us tutorial about vim with a different way and it is really interesting for me. They also have practice page that can we use to practicing all command we want to try with a hint in the sidebar.

  10. Linux for Programmers
    This youtube playlist is about using Linux for Programmers. There’s a lot essential thing about linux for programmers, like why using linux, what is ssh, how to do things in linux and other stuff. It is really interesting because it help me a lot to make me familiar with linux and also the video mostly is a live coding session so it won’t make me bored so fast.

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