Top 10 List of Week 07
Rafi Muhammad --- Jakarta

Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Synchronization
    This website tell us about synchronization with example in coding and also image for the explanation which intereseting for me.

  2. Race Condition
    This is an article about race condition, it explain why, when and how it is happen. It is interesting because the explanation is simple so it is not hard to understand.

  3. Critical Section in 5 Minutes
    This video is really good if we want to have a brief explanation about Critical Section. It is intereseting because of the duration which only 5 minutes.

  4. Peterson’s Algorithm for Critical Section Problem
    This video is a simple explanation about Peterson Algorithm that use for Critical Section problem. This is really interesting because there are a lot of ilustration about how Peterson’s Algorithm works.

  5. Semaphore
    This is a video about Semaphore with example in C. The video is in good quality with simple explanation about semaphore which intereseting for me

  6. Deadlock vs Starvation
    Pastry sweet roll applicake bear claw donut sweet roll. Chocolate carrot cake I love sesame snaps. Pudding pudding chocolate cake croissant donut pastry pie cupcake cookie.

  7. Understanding setuid, setgid and the sticky bit
    This website explain about setuid, setgit and the sticky bit with simple explanation, there are a lot of example using linux bash to make us understand better which is interesting

  8. Bounded Buffer Problem
    This is an explanation about Bounded Buffer Problem wtih also the solution which intereseting for me.

  9. Readers-Writers Problem
    This website tell us about Readers-Writers Problem with also the solution with examples in coding.

  10. Dining-Philosophers Problem
    This website tell us about Dining-Philoshophers Problem with solution and example in coding that is interesting.

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